

Ready for absolute confidence in your coaching... and a business that fulfills you?

Join the accredited certification program designed to transform you, help you deeply and masterfully coach your clients, and start or scale your business, so you thrive in a way that’s aligned with your gifts. 


Deeply Transform
Your Life


Coach Clients


Scale Your
Thriving Business

You feel the calling to love the work you do and feel confident in your ability to create a true impact. So... what’s stopping you?

Meanwhile… the coaching industry continues to grow.


The world is asking for masterful coaches:

The coaching industry has grown 19% in the last few years alone

The personal development industry hit $38.28 billion globally in 2019

Conscious leaders are rising everywhere

Just imagine...

It’s 100% possible, my friend. And it can be done without outdated coaching techniques


Which is why I created the


An accredited certification program designed to help you deeply transform your blocks, masterfully coach your clients, and start or scale your thriving business no matter if you’re brand new or you already have multiple 6 figure launches… this is customized to meet you where you are, and help you go to your NEXT level.

The curriculum inside this school is the culmination of almost 2 decades as a licensed Clinical Somatic Psychotherapist with two master’s degrees in Psychology… and a 7-figure coaching business owner. There’s truly nothing like it.

When you join the Institute of Coaching Mastery, you’ll learn how to create deep, lasting transformation through the Coaching Mastery Method:

  1. We start by doing the inner work to remove your blocks, so you can step into the life and business of your dreams.
  2. From a place of confidence, you then use the same tools that transformed your life and you’re able to authentically and deeply serve your clients to do the same. You’ll be fully equipped mastering this comprehensive and proven framework.
  3. Then, you’ll strategically start or scale your dream business so it’s aligned with exactly what you want and how you define success. There’s not a one size fits all approach, so you’ll use my customized, 6-figures + Beyond Coaching Roadmap to either fill your spaces if you’re brand new, back higher ticket packages with real skillset, or scale with online marketing, with or without a budget. We don’t just teach you business, we help you grow yours while you’re held in the program.

Dear Freelancer/Service Provider/Coach,

Zohaib Butt Over $150,000,000 Generated For My Clients Over the Past 15 Years

My name is Zohaib Butt, and over the past 15 years I’ve been able to work with clients like:

Over that time, I’ve discovered the fastest, most reliable way of getting premium clients that I know of.

(This method doesn’t require funnels, ads, Upwork, networking, Facebook groups, or any of that jazz…)

In fact, it’s the same method I used to take my first SEO agency to 7-figure revenues, almost entirely by using this simple client-getting strategy.

(this is something that can be automated too…so it only takes you minutes per day…)

On this page, I’ll be sharing that strategy with you.


Ready to join us? Here’s everything that’s waiting for you inside:

My 3-Part Coaching Mastery Method:


Personal Transformation

Get to the root cause of your blocks and transform them.

Recognize your inherent wholeness and learn these transformational tools that you can use for the rest of your life.

Have the weekly support to take action + embody the work to transform your life from the inside out, so you’re more authentic and empowered to support your clients in doing the same.


The Model for Masterful Coaching

Become a powerful facilitator with the 5 Levels of Transformational Change Coaching Model so you have an integrative framework

Experientially learn the tools in your own life as you gain the confidence in your coaching and know your ability to deeply serve your clients.


Building a Fully Aligned Business

A Customized Business Roadmap to strategically help you build the business of YOUR dreams. There are many paths to success, we help you choose yours so you’re not scattered, not getting results.

Learn how to masterfully sell overcoming sales blocks and implementing strategies to attract clients consistently

Stop hustling in your business and step into full alignment + potential.


Plus these incredible bonuses!

Bonuses for everyone


+ Money, Mindset + Miracles: Income Challenge

This Income Challenge is designed to give you daily mindset tools, prompts, meditations, and exercises to do both the inner work around money, but also play full-out with reaching your income goals.

It’s focused on inner freedom, and in the second half, we start to get into resourcefulness + action. Let’s have some fun + support you in making more!!

+ Get early access to the Business Model + Pricing Module

Taken straight out from the business section of the certification program so you get your offers + pricing in place right away. You’ll learn about:

Pay in full bonuses!


+ Two 45 minute 1-on-1 sessions with mentor coaches

Breakthrough anything that’s holding you back from your next level and experience a quantum shift!

It’s focused on inner freedom, and in the second half, we start to get into resourcefulness + action. Let’s have some fun + support you in making more!!

+ Get early access to the Sales Module

Taken straight out from the business section of the certification program so you get on the soulful sales wagons. You’ll learn about:

You get so much when you join the Institute for Coaching Mastery. So let’s recap 🙂

Helpful Resources


Coaching & Community

We welcome BIPOC, LGBTQ+, people of all abilities and backgrounds to be a part of the Institute for Coaching Mastery Certification. It is our intention that our programs are based upon anti-racist practices and principles of equity.

Wondering if you’re a good fit for this program?

Institute for Coaching Mastery is not for everyone. This is a year-long program that’s designed to help you achieve true mastery as a coach. If you’re looking for a short cut, this isn’t the program for you. I find that the most successful students of this program are…

Have questions before joining? I’ve got answers!

Yes! This mastery program gives you the opportunity to be certified as a mastery method coach. We also have coaches who choose to take this program for their own personal development.

You have the option to get certified through this program, but you can take it as an advanced training as well.

The main reason this program was designed was to have a place where coaches learn how to deeply serve their clients and embody their own transformation, while starting or scaling their businesses with more ease.

This program is designed for new coaches who want to shortcut the learning curve to be good coaches and experienced coaches who want new tools to coach deeper and with more mastery, while having the business support to up-level faster.

It’s also for any niche and type of coach who wants to do deeper work with their clients and not just talk them through strategies that they can learn by Googling.

You can be a health coach, business coach, relationship coach or not know what your niche is and we’ll support you in choosing a niche or applying this work to your niche.

We get to the depth of what’s really holding someone back. People don’t need more information, they need transformation. So we teach you how to create change from the inside out.

We start by transforming your life, and then you learn to facilitate that in others. Then we support you in having a thriving business, no matter what stage you’re at.

Check in, if that’s you, then we’d love to have you.

Whether you’re a brand new coach with no experience, a seasoned coach, or have been coaching but still resist identifying yourself as a coach, this program is for you.

The world is craving masterful coaches who truly understand their craft, have put in the work, and who embody change. While anyone can call themselves a coach, it’s those who have a mastery of coaching who will sustain in this competitive industry.

And if you want to be one of them, then I invite you to join us!

This program is a mix of training modules and exercises that you can do at your own pace, with up to three live bonus coaching calls a week. So while you can participate virtually from anywhere in the world, you’re also completely held and supported throughout this entire certification. This isn’t a passive experience — it’s interactive, experiential, engaging, and designed for those who want to truly learn, practice, and implement these coaching tools to create a powerful, impact-driven business.

The investment is on sale for $1,000 off until October 13th at 3pm PT! We have a great monthly payment plan so you can get started for just $497, or pay in full to get extra bonuses for just $10,497! Apply Now, then we’ll review your application on October 10th and, if your application is accepted, we’ll send you the exclusive link to enroll. The earlier you enroll, the better pricing you get. We love to reward action takers!

Most of the trainings you can watch on your own at your own pace. If you’re going for certification, there are two calls a week to attend, and we offer two different call times (10 AM or 5 PM PST) to accommodate schedules. But I recommend you attend live — especially because I’m teaching you in real-time how to use these coaching tools to facilitate transformation. 😉

Yes. All calls are recorded and will be available in your private membership site.

If you’re participating in the Institute of Coaching Mastery for the certification, you can expect to spend about 5 hours a week on the program. Pretty simple, right?! We get right to the good stuff.

Both! There are certain parts of the certification that are perfect to do on your own time (like the training modules, meditations, embodiment practices, visualizations, self-reflection questions).

And because working in a group is a powerful container for a professional training like this, you’ll also have large group coaching calls, small group wisdom circles to unpack and go deeper (so you can fully be seen and celebrated in your leadership), and one-to-one calls with peers where you give and receive coaching each week. All types of learners are supported here!

Absolutely! This is a very hands-on program and Alyssa will be coaching and providing support every step of the way.

We also have additional mentor coaches to provide extra support regularly in smaller cohorts weekly, so you have up to 3 optional live calls a week to ensure you stay on track and are held throughout the program.

There is no training out there like this one. We are not just training you to be masterful at coaching, we are training you to embody the work yourself first and have a massively successful business, too.

My intention is to support you to have the skills to become a LEADER in the industry, while also transforming the lives of your clients.

I have been through every stage of growing a coaching business, both online marketing as well as offline marketing high ticket sales and I’ve designed this program so that you can choose your own adventure and design a business around what lights you up based on the stage you’re at. This way it’s aligned for you to have a long career, but also because when you do what you love, you can scale with grace and serve people in a profoundly powerful and transformational way.

If you want to make a deeper impact and/or expand your impact to reach more people, this is a no-brainer.

You are held for an entire year in this program, but once we are full, doors close and there won’t be another chance to get in for an entire year… last time doors opened, it sold out in 8 days!

If you want to get certified, plan for around 5 hours a week for everything between training videos, demos, meditation, practice sessions, and coaching calls with Alyssa, directly.

If you don’t want to get certified, and just want to take this as an advanced training to help you do the work and be a better coach, you can choose the level of commitment that works for you. There is flexibility. This is designed so you can do it from anywhere in the world and at various time zone options. We have either a 10am PST or 5pm PST option for live calls.

When you want something, you make time and show up for it. If you want a completely different business that isn’t just transforming people’s lives, but actually growing, and that’s not something you’re seeing right right now in your business, DO NOT WAIT, APPLY NOW.

I have designed this for brand new coaches with no experience and seasoned ones who want to uplevel themselves and gain new tools (like embodiment work and a number of other modalities). I’ve developed, tested, and PROVEN 18 years worth of transformative tools. What I will teach you is the best of the best and will benefit a coach at any level.

You can take this program without the intention of getting certified, and do it at a much easier pace. I find most coaches are overwhelmed, and it’s feedback that you need to do something different. Being scattered won’t help you serve at your deepest capacity as a coach. You need to slow down and get strategic.

There are two routes you can take inside this program: participation for your own development, or certification. If you’re getting certified, there are various requirements such as program participation, weekly assignments, and coaching implementation in order to graduate. You can find a full breakdown of requirements here.

Yes! The Institute for Coaching Mastery is accredited by the ICF (International Coach Federation).

If you complete the ICM program and obtain your ICM Certification, you will earn Continuing Coach Education hours (CCEs) that you can apply towards maintaining or applying for your ICF credential as part of your tuition.

If you would like apply for any level of certification with the ICF (ACC, PCC or MCC), there are additional requirements, including mentoring hours, that the ICF requires (so it’s an additional investment).

Please email support@alyssanobriga.com if you would like to learn more about that.

The ICF is here to raise the standards and best practices, upholding and promoting ethical coaching worldwide.

Yes! The Institute for Coaching Mastery is accredited to provide 130 core competency and 35 resource development training hours* that participants could use towards maintaining or applying for their ICF credential (*this is subject to change based on updated ICF requirements).

We can also offer additional mentoring if you’re interested in obtaining your ICF certification. You can email support@alyssanobriga.com for more details.

Nope! Your investment in the program covers everything.

No, once you’re certified in the Coaching Mastery Method, you’re certified!

While 1:1 coaching is great, for a professional program, participants get so much more value and time out of a group experience. You leverage the momentum of the group, get personalized support working with your peers and your mentor coach to get that ongoing support and guidance. My biased opinion is when it comes to your professionalism, you’re better served in a live group experience over just 1:1 coaching.

“Is this really the right step for me?”


If you’re scared + excited, that’s EXACTLY where I want you. It tells me you’re on the edge of a breakthrough.

YOU are your best investment as a coach!